Thursday, March 17, 2022



Driving question (DQ) is several questions to engage students, to lead them to inquiry as well as the questions directly connected to the learning. The outcomes are focused on learning, and thus include skill and knowledge we want students to learn. Driving question should:

1. Connect with the learning goals.

2. Call for higher order thinking.

3. Sparks discussion or debate.

4. Be realistic.

5. Raise additional questions.

6. Require research and justification.

7. Endure over time. 

DQ Formula

To help you and your students construct a meaningful DQ, here is the formula to get you started. It is perfectly okay if your DQ structured differently than this one. What matter most is that students have brainstormed and identified the topic, purpose, audience, and product. 


The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. Albert Einstein. 

Ilmu itu didapat dari lidah yang gemar bertanya dan akal yang suka berpikir. Abdullah Bin Abbas. 

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